SPILLER PARTNER - REAS s.r.o. and Presend Nordic AB have agreed to work together in Slovakia and Austria. Presend is a leader in the Nordic-Baltic region in the provision of secure and flexible Visa / MasterCard prepaid cards. They have deployed them successfully in over 75 shopping centers, stores and city centers across Europe. The purpose of these gift cards is to generate visitors and spending in desired destinations in the most cost-efficient way. These products can be used for gift cards, promotions, insurance claims, travel currencies or as cards with their use limited to a specific group of merchants as well as in many other ways.
Based on a license from the NBS (the National Bank of Slovakia), Promi Finance is an independent consulting company providing services in the field of financial advisory to companies and entrepreneurs. Promi Finance`s main focus is on structured financial transactions. Our clients appreciate their many years of experience as project managers as well as their specialists, who have previously worked at senior and middle management levels in banking.
The practice provides comprehensive legal services to domestic and foreign clients and institutions while taking into account the constantly changing market environment and conditions in the legal field inside the Slovak Republic. They further provide legal assistance and advice in the areas of commercial law and civil law, including legal aspects concerning real estate, labor, bankruptcy, banking, administration and criminal law as well as the law on securities.
Address: SP-REAS, Cukrová 14, Bratislava
Telephone: +421 903 554 474
E-mail: [javascript protected email address]
© SPILLER PARTNER - REAS all rights reserved.